Meet Dewi Hopley, the internationally renowned Aromatherapist and YTL Hotels' latest guest artist who gave up her time to visit the guests of the 'Unmistakeably Malay' resort in Terengganu Malaysia, Tanjong Jara Resort. The South China Sea resort's guests benefited from Dewi's visit as she shared her knowledge and leaves us with a parting message and a promise to return in the near future.
Hello to all,
My name is Dewi Hopley and I’m an Aromatherapist and strongly believe that essential oils can help balance the mind, body and soul. Aromatherapy is an excellent way of boosting the immune system which is great for those who are prone to getting colds. It is very important to take into account a guest’s mood and physical state before blending the unique oils which I use in whatever treatments they are booked in for.
I was the Guest Artist (offering massage therapies) at Tanjong Jara Resort, Malaysia for about a month and my most popular treatment by far was the Remedial (deep tissue) Massage and the Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy which focuses on structural imbalances in the body. About 90% of those that came to see me was mainly due to back pain.
I have my own therapy practice in the UK ( but twice a year around March and October time I work at a wonderful wellbeing retreat ( which happens to be held at Spa Village Resort Tembok, Bali. This is where my passion lies as it’s all about staying present and being happy! While I was there, I found out about the Spa Village Guest Therapist Program, which invites international therapists, artists, yoga instructors and like-minded creative individuals to work at YTL Hotels' properties. I didn’t hesitate to put my name forward and the rest is history!
I left Tanjong Jara Resort on the 23rdApril with a tinge of sadness but will be back in South East Asia later this year in October. In the meantime, below are a few essential oils that may help with some common conditions:
Headaches: Peppermint, Basil, Lavender (cooling)
General stress: Frankincense, Lavender, Mandarin (balancing)
Sleeplessness: Lavender, Mandarin, Neroli (sedating)
Tiredness: Rosemary, Lime, Eucalyptus (stimulating)
It was nice to go around the resort and meet and talk with so many of you; it was great to listen to how much you were enjoying your stay, whether it was how you spent your days relaxing on the beach, or snorkelling and diving off Tenggol Island or listening to Captain Mok's tales, I enjoyed hearing about your experiences and stories and I can't wait to meet more of you when I return. If you’d like to know more about what I do or just want to keep in touch, don't hesitate to drop me an email at See you soon!
Thank you Dewi for your time and your message and we look forward to seeing you again the next time you decide to visit us in Malaysia.